Utility Integration and DER Dispatch

Utility DER Interoperability

The installed CALM Power Broker monitors and dispatches utility-managed Distributed Energy Resources (DER) to optimize grid tie-flow operations at the transmission and local distribution system level, first and foremost for grid reliability and then market value. 

Local Smart Integration Matters

With these DER assets located near the substation, integration to existing SCADA could certainly allow the DER to be manually dispatched by a system operator.  The issues with this integration is that it fails to provide fast automated continuous dispatch responses that can not be provided with existing SCADA systems that are tied to a central Energy Management System (EMS).  Central generation dispatch over 20 seconds or so are done automatically and continuously, but that’s not fast or reliable when dealing with local protection and local equipment issues like contingency overloads.  Automated intelligent dispatch at the local level provided by the CALM Power Broker considers the reliability required and the Energy Storage levels and DER abilities at the substation to maintain tie-flow reliability, while enabling monetization of non-reliability reserved energy storage and other DER through passive or active market participation.  
SCADA is just not fast enough to deal with responses that revolve around relay protection and other inverter based systems.  The model of leveraging the existing EMS and SCADA systems or relying on third party cloud systems is ineffective when counting on milliseconds for proper decision making and dispatch responses that effect the substation and its feeders.  CALM Power Broker’s proven technology enables this level of intelligent response.

Performance Metrics for DER

Does the Utility need to know exactly what’s going on inside with the components of a Battery Energy Storage System Plant or other DER system to run the grid?
Performance metrics by which your contract says you get paid or have to pay makes a difference when it comes to DER dispatch and the DER’s ability to support grid operations.
CALM Power Broker provides the performance metrics for BESS and other DER contracted to support grid operational needs.  These metrics include tie-flow impact success and revenue settlement from availability, which is not just about the internal BESS’s BMS or the amount of steam going into the cylinder of a DER to create electricity.