Flexible DER

Flexible DER Enablement

10X the amount of DER that can safely and reliably interconnect to your feeders through our Flexible DER enablement solution.   Instead of limiting DER on feeders based on feeder peak load design, enable all your customers to participate in demand and supply response with CALM Power Broker’s dispatching of DER supply and demand through scalable automated flexible contract commitments and interoperability. 

We provide turn-key process management of customer DER sign-up and integration, enabling low cost scalability of DER interconnections and inter-active programs, which then provides the reliable ongoing interoperability with these distributed  energy resources.

Key Features

  • Enforceable ‘flexible interoperability’ contracts, based on augmented tie-flow planning constraints
  • Sign-up of DER via machine-to-machine or human-to machine
  • Grid protection features as part of contracts
  • Enforcement of customer import and export caps
  • Grid edge control interface for scheduling, dispatch, visibility and data collection
  • Integration point for DER assets to CALM Power Broker
  • Deliver schedule control (to owner, OEM or utility schedule)
  • Interface and protocol options to DER control systems
  • Standalone local control and remotely managed controls
  • Deployable grid edge computing or control devices 

Simplicity in digital contracts

1. Demand and supply flexibility rules
2. Grid protection definitions and rules 
3. Enforce customer export caps 
4. Allow customers to exceed export caps for customer dollar benefits when grid allows

Augmented grid planning

Provide your transmission and distribution planners with the tools they need to augment their planning process to enable flexible contractually obligated DER import and export caps based on reliability.

Import and Export Flexibility and Caps

Automated Sign-up to contract 'Flexible Interoperability'

Augmented grid planning based on contracts

Non-firm Interoperability Bounding

For more detail see our U.S. Patent #8,521,337